Lifts for shoes are a term that seems to confuse many people; however, they are very simple once you understand their purpose and how they are installed. At the most basic level, lifts are used in shoes or sneakers to discreetly get a few extra inches of height. They provide height as well as comfort, breathability and most importantly, confidence. Find out more about each type of shoe lift below.
Insertable Lifts (0.5")
When it comes to insertable shoe lifts, you have the option for a larger or smaller height boost. A 0.5" lift sole is a great option for someone who wants a subtle boost of height, which can lead to a massive boost of confidence. If this sounds like your cup of tea, then you may want to try the Height-Increasing Gel Insole Lifts.
Simply loosen the laces and insert these shoe lifts into your shoe of choice. Once worn, you should feel the subtle increase in height that these 0.5" lifts provide. Due to their stretchable and comfortable gel build, these lifts feature a once-size-fits-all design allowing you to use them in multiple different shoes.
High-Arch Mid-Sole Supporting Shoe Lifts (1.5")If you are looking for a larger boost of height and confidence, the High-Arch Mid-Sole Supporting Shoe Lifts are the perfect option. These lifts provide a significant 1.5" inches of height while also providing the support your feet need to relieve unneeded pressure. These shoe lifts are better suited for shoes that have a higher top, such as boots or high-tops. This will prevent your feet from slipping out due to the increased height.
To install, simply slip these inserts in and put your shoes on. You will immediately notice a large increase in height, giving you the confidence you need to tackle the day.
Memory Foam Shoe Lifts (0.5")While both entries above are fantastic shoe lift options for both height and comfort, the power of memory foam is very obvious these days. Memory foam is an extremely comfortable material that conforms to the shape of whatever is on it; a useful feature when it comes to shoe lifts. The CALTO Memory Foam Shoe Lifts (0.5") will provide the ultimate boost of comfort as well as confidence, allowing you to get the boost of height you need without sacrificing your comfort.
To install, simply insert into your shoes and try them on. Occasionally the soles will be too big for your shoes, however they can be easily trimmed to your exact size. These memory foam shoe lifts are perfect if you are looking for a subtle height boost combined with a large comfort boost.
Whichever shoe lift you choose; you can be confident knowing that Tall Men Shoes has been providing top-quality elevator shoes and shoe lifts since 1999. If you are looking for built-in shoe lifts, try our vast selection of elevator shoes. We provide lifted casual, dress, boots and even sandals to allow you to gain the confidence you deserve.
If you have any questions regarding our products, shipping times or any other concern, feel free to contact us. Our team of elevator shoe and shoe lift professionals will be more than happy to assist.