Whoever said that beauty is only skin-deep certainly meant well. In reality, much of beauty comes from within, when someone feels comfortable with himself. A good appearance goes a long way not just towards being perceived well by others, but also towards feeling better about yourself. By having the looks and style to make a good impression, you'll be more confident and ready to succeed. Here are some strategies for looking and feeling good whether you're 6' 4" or 5' 2".
Stay True to Yourself
Don't get caught up chasing the latest fashion trends or wearing what's "in." Everybody has his own style DNA, which is shaped by both personality and physical stature. Furthermore, people will recognize a fake when they see one. Embrace what makes you unique and concentrate on what looks great on you instead of on someone else.
Build a wardrobe of staple items that are timeless. Jeans and twill pants, button down oxford shirts and T-shirts, and a blazer or two. Build from your wardrobe base with a few more adventurous or trendy garments that can be worn for a season and replaced when the style turns old.
Wear Clothes That Fit
There's a difference between clothing that's a little baggy and something that physically doesn't fit you. These oversized (or undersized) clothes make you look unkempt, apathetic and even nave. A good fit is a big part of looking and feeling good, even if that means having to go to specialty shops or a tailor. And definitely don't buy something in hopes of "growing into it" or as an incentive to lose weight; think about what fits now.
Recognize that some clothes are seasonal, and others can be worn year round. Jeans and an oxford can be worn year round, while other clothes such as sweaters and sandals are more appropriate during specific seasons. Rotate your wardrobe as the year advances so you stay with the season and match the climate.
Wear Clothes That are Comfortable
You could have a swank new outfit that looks amazing on you - but if it's too tight, doesn't have enough airflow or irritates your skin, you're not going to feel good. This, in turn, will cause you to be distracted and seem less engaged. Choose sizes, fabrics and cuts wisely so you'll feel comfortable in your apparel.
Go up a size if you feel constricted in any clothing, as long as the clothing isn't too big and look like it's hanging off you. You are more comfortable if your clothes allow you to move, and it will show.
Understand What You're Dressing For
Job interviews, casual Fridays, dinner with friends, date nights and other life events call for different wardrobes. You want to look appropriate for each one. You wouldn't wear a T-shirt and jeans to a job interview - but in some cases, a suit and tie might be over the top. Take the Goldilocks approach: aim for an outfit that's not too much or too little, but somewhere in the middle. Of course when there is a question, aim high on the dress scale. If it's casual, you might still wear a button down shirt rather than a T-shirt. You will still look at ease, and if you're dressed a little better than others in your company, they'll respect that you care about how you look.
Balance Your Visual Appearance
Every garment you wear, as well as the way you wear them, affects how you look. For example, wearing a light top and dark bottom will shift visual attention upwards, while short sleeves make your arms look longer. Use these aspects to direct focus to the places you want it to be. You can also create a longer or slimmer look that is more flattering.
Solids are always a safe choice, but horizontal stripes, in a shirt or pinstriped suit, can have a slimming and heightening affect. Don't go too bold on the stripes or you will call too much attention. A subtle stripe goes a long way. The same is true for other patterns in shirts and garments.
Choose the Right Colors
Different colors look best with certain physical characteristics - and your favorite color might not be the most flattering one for you to wear. Find colors that best match your skin tone, eye color and hair color. Certain colors generally match certain physical tones, but you'll still want to try them on to see what works best for you.
Be Willing to Invest in Yourself
A bargain-rack shirt or pants is fine if it's something that will actually look good on you. But don't buy and wear clothes just because they're a great deal. You'll look like exactly what the clothes are: cheap. Focus on getting the clothes that are right for you; if something makes you look good and feel confident, then it was worth the price tag.