When talking to a woman you've just met, show her your sense of humor and charm. Don't remain focused on your height, or whomever you're talking to will also concentrate on whatever you don't like about yourself.
Show her your standout personality by being attentive, cracking a joke or two, flirting, and being the gentleman that you are. A trick is to be friendly to others you meet (especially when the object of your affection is around), and she'll see that you're naturally a nice guy who's friendly to everyone because you're comfortable in your own skin. And if your personality shines through and your appearance is great to boot, she'll be looking up to you all night, as will all the other men.

Confidence is of prime importance when talking to a woman or anyone for that matter.
If you're feeling sorry for yourself and blaming your lack of dates on your miserable height, women will believe this too. Nothing turns women off more than a man who's insecure and unhappy with himself, but if you're confident, she'll forget about your height altogether. The trick is to be confident without being arrogant -- you can feel like you're great, but don't act like you're on a throne and deserve a royal salute.
Go after shorter women
If you feel that taller women may not give you the time of day, and you don't want to be reminded of your height whenever you're walking side-by-side -- even when she's not in heels -- just go for women that are your height or a bit shorter.
There are plenty of gorgeous, petite women, so it's up to you to approach them. I don't even consider this to be lowering your standards since going for women who are not model-height isn't exactly scraping the bottom of the barrel; but hey, if your dream girl is a woman who makes Elle MacPherson look like a dwarf, you may just have to aim a little lower.
definite don'ts
Don't bulk up
You can go to the gym and get in shape, but don't overcompensate for your height by making up for it in width. You don't want to look like one of those men who have huge arms and wear tight T-shirts to show of their bulging biceps, so that people won't notice their height. This will only make you look stubby and stumpy -- and men, remember that proportion is key.
Don't feel sorry for yourself
Even if you feel that all your problems are due to your lack of height, this negative attitude will only make things worse in your life. It's tempting to make like George Costanza and be miserable, but your self-pity will only make you look smaller in others' eyes.
measure your success
While you may like to compare yourself to your tall buddies, you'll have to accept that your height isn't something you can change, at least not until men's heels return to mainstream.
This means that you'll have to make everything else about yourself grand -- your intelligence, sense of humor, personality, confidence, charisma, and style. And if this seems like a tall order to fill, just think of it as your rise to the top.